Ending the “Time Limit” Thesis Will Protect the Climate

Lawyer Luiz Eloy Terena, a Representative of the Coalition of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (Apib) at the Brazilian Supreme Court hearing in question, comments on the importance of demarcating indigenous lands for the protection of the country’s natural resources. MapBiomas data shows that only 1.6% of Brazil’s deforestation occurred in Indigenous Lands over 36 years.

Brazil’s isolated tribes in the crosshairs of miners targeting Indigenous lands

Mined Amazon has revealed 1,265 pending requests to mine in 26 Indigenous territories in Brazil that are home to isolated tribes. In 2020, half of the requests filed with the ANM were on lands with isolated tribes. Indigenous groups have filed a lawsuit with Brazil’s Supreme Federal Court against the government, and avert a “real risk of genocide” due to the COVID-19 pandemic.