

Women Babassu Nutcrackers Demand Compliance with Legislation Protecting this Traditional Activity

Native to Brazil, babassu nuts grow mainly in the Cerrado savannas and the Amazon rainforest. For centuries, groups of women have cracked these nuts to survive, preserving this tradition in several Brazilian States. Although their activities are protected by the Babassu Access Act (Lei do Babaçu Livre), these women nevertheless continue to face legal and…

Eating chelonian meat is an integral part of Amazonian culture, but predatory hunting is a greater threat

Chelonians, which include turtles, terrapins and tortoises, have been part of the local population’s diet since colonizers arrived on the Amazon River. That meat has become common on people’s tables, especially in riverside and traditional communities. However, deficient law enforcement in remote areas and poaching threaten species and Amazon biodiversity.

Perenco: no word from oil firm about environmental damages in Peruvian Amazon

Anglo-French multinational Perenco claims to adopt sustainable practices around the world, ignoring its 58 environmental violations in the Peruvian Amazon that affect ecosystems and its people, as shown by an investigation conducted by InfoAmazonia and international allies. In the department of Loreto, local indigenous communities directly and indirectly influenced by Block 67 were not aware…


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