Jornalista multimídia, antropólogo e ensaísta. É pós-doutorando do Brazil Lab, da Universidade de Princeton (EUA). Como jornalista, é colaborador da InfoAmazonia e de O Joio e o Trigo, já escreveu para revista Piauí, The Guardian, Agência Pública, Thomson Reuters Foundation, National Geographic Brasil entre outros meios nacionais e internacionais.

Posted inlong form / Indigenous people

New analysis reveals that 59% of the rivers inhabited by the Yanomami suffer impact from mining and invasions

Survey led by the INPE and Fiocruz, in partnership with InfoAmazonia, was conducted based on satellite images of indigenous land and analyzes the impact of territorial change on rivers and communities, including mining, degradation and deforestation. Over 62% of the Yanomami population live in areas under the influence of invaders.