Perenco: no word from oil firm about environmental damages in Peruvian Amazon

Anglo-French multinational Perenco claims to adopt sustainable practices around the world, ignoring its 58 environmental violations in the Peruvian Amazon that affect ecosystems and its people, as shown by an investigation conducted by InfoAmazonia and international allies. In the department of Loreto, local indigenous communities directly and indirectly influenced by Block 67 were not aware that the company had been sanctioned for environmental violations.

New analysis reveals that 59% of the rivers inhabited by the Yanomami suffer impact from mining and invasions

Survey led by the INPE and Fiocruz, in partnership with InfoAmazonia, was conducted based on satellite images of indigenous land and analyzes the impact of territorial change on rivers and communities, including mining, degradation and deforestation. Over 62% of the Yanomami population live in areas under the influence of invaders.