A new report dives into the underworld of the mercury trade, as experienced across the Amazon region; in Bolivia, Guyana and Suriname.
Category: Regions
Attacks against environmental defenders continue during the COVID-19 crisis
At least six defenders of the environment have been killed in Latin American since 11 March, the date on which the pandemic was declared.
Land of Resistants: defending the environment has never been so dangerous.
A team of 45 journalists from ten countries gathered to investigate episodes of violence against environmental leaders and their communities.
Defenders of the sacred hills
In Vaupés, a department in the Colombian Amazon, indigenous peoples cling to their beliefs to protect themselves from mining. A concession for the exploitation of coltan angers three communities: the leaders are threatened and their right to prior consultation has been violated.
Besieged by progress
A obra de um porto para transporte de grãos, combustíveis e minérios une Brasil e China a casos de violência contra populações rurais
Indigenous communities under siege in Rondon’s land
The invasions of indigenous territories in Rondonia are not something new. But data on episodes of violence in the countryside, such as assassinations of leaders and threats to communities, reveal the resurgence of this fight.
Madeira River dams may spell doom for Amazon’s marathon catfish: Studies
[:pt]O monitoramento independente de uma população de grandes bagres no rio Madeira, importante afluente do Amazonas, confirma que duas usinas hidrelétricas praticamente impediram a migração da espécie que faz a mais longa migração de água doce conhecida no mundo
[english text] A map that tweet alerts of illegal mining in Amazon forest Foto de abertura: Detalhe do mapa Author: Hyury Potter The Brazilian Amazon lost about 410,000 km² of native forest between 2000 and 2017¹ – an area almost the size of California State. Illegal mining is one of the main factors […]
Luz Meyi: 5 indígenas amazónicas cuentan porqué las mujeres son clave para la reforestación
Luz Meyi Patiño. Amazonas “Soy del pueblo Murui Muina, lo que llamaban uitoto. En la Amazonía hay una hormiga grande que se llama uidodo que es muy carnívoras, y como nosotros también éramos, pero éramos, nos empezaron a decir así, pero somos Murui Muina. Nos tocó un desplazamiento en 1995 y estamos en la cabecera […]