

Company sells Indigenous land in Amazonas as NFTs without community’s knowledge

Areas of the Baixo Seruini Indigenous Land, inhabited by the Apurinã people in the southern Amazonas, were sold by the company Nemus in a project that promises to preserve the forest and generate carbon credits. The Prosecutor’s Office recommended the suspension of the project in December 2022; however, InfoAmazonia identified that negotiations are still ongoing on the internet.

A Whiff of Smoke in the Air. Just a Taste of a Sad Future for the Amazon

On Thursday, October 27, there was a scent of smoke in the air. On the 28th, a bluish haze thickened, and by late afternoon it had turned gray and heavy. The reddish sunset left no doubt: We were enveloped in pure wildfire smoke. Our eyes began to sting, our noses ran. Our clothes and hair […]

Shell affiliate accused of violating Indigenous rights in carbon credit contracts

Indigenous people claim that Carbonext allegedly pressured communities to sign documents with blank sheets. The company denies the accusations and, shortly after allegations of rights violations and non-compliance with international conventions in suspicious contracts on indigenous lands in the Amazon, withdrew from the business.

Colombian companies defy laws, push Amazon carbon projects in Indigenous lands

Without proper consultation, leaders were persuaded to accept a carbon project on indigenous lands in the Amazon, with the promise that the money would fund a university in the villages; Funai (National Indian Foundation) was unaware of pre-contracts and states that negotiations may be annulled.


InfoAmazonia provides timely news and reports of the endangered Amazon region. A network of organizations and journalists deliver updates from the nine countries of the forest. Vea la edición en Español or em Português.