In addition to the Proposed Amendment to the Constitution 215, four other subjects can return to be processed this year and, if approved, bring negative impacts to the Amazon.
With drought and hottest year in the history, fires rise 60% in Brazil
Were 183,000 fires detected by satellite throughout the year, 60% more than in 2013, when the number of fires had reached the lowest value since 2000.
In UN Conference, Brazil announces help to countries with deforestation
In Lima, Peru, during COP 20, the Brazilian government and BNDES presented a plan to implement monitoring systems in partnership with the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO).
Deforestation rises 889% in Mato Grosso, Brazil. Elections or forestry code effect?
IBAMA says that there are more control on field. Large farmers, the federal government and states say the new rules for regularization of rural properties, installed by the new Forest Code, advance.
Citizen journalism direct from the Colombian Amazon
The department of Caquetá, in the Colombian Amazon, goes through enormous changes. Its western part, where the Amazon rainforest region moves on the slopes of the Andes Mountains, became the main focus of deforestation in Colombia in the last decade.
Minister of Environment of Peru wants Amazon in the COP 20
Minister Manuel Pulgar Vidal said he expects seal the deal around the mechanism for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, during the 20th UN Climate Change Conference, which takes place this year in Peru.
InfoAmazonia Ciudadano: Water and Citizenship in the Amazon
In the Amazon, not lack water. However, the management of water resources in the region, often divorced from social participation, threatens sources of survival of its inhabitants and dozens of species.
[english text] A map that tweet alerts of illegal mining in Amazon forest Foto de abertura: Detalhe do mapa Author: Hyury Potter The Brazilian Amazon lost about 410,000 km² of native forest between 2000 and 2017¹ – an area almost the size of California State. Illegal mining is one of the main factors […]