Agência Pública launched its first book-report, Public Amazon, with an open debate on the issues and threats of the Amazon.
Agência Pública
Uma investigação sobre como os grandes empreendimentos estão mudando a cara da região amazônica e a vida de seus habitantes. As equipes de reportagem da Agência Pública de Jornalismo Investigativo foram a três regiões da Amazônia para entender a nova onda de desenvolvimentismo. Entre os meses de julho e outubro de 2012, eles percorreram o polo de mineração em Marabá (PA); a bacia do Rio Tapajós; e Porto Velho e as hidrelétricas do rio Madeira.Una investigación sobre cómo las grandes empresas están cambiando la cara de la región amazónica y la vida de sus habitantes. Los equipos de la Agencia Pública de Periodismo de Investigación fueron a tres regiones de la Amazonía para entender la nueva ola del desarrollismo. Entre los meses de julio y octubre de 2012, ellos recorrieron el polo minero en Marabá (PA), la cuenca del río Tapajós, Porto Velho y las presas del río Madeira.An investigation on how large enterprises are changing the face of the Amazon region and the lives of its inhabitants. The news team of the Public Agency (Agência Pública) for Investigative Journalism went to three regions of the Amazon to understand the new wave of developmentalism. Between the months of July and October 2012, they traveled the mining pole in Maraba (PA), the Tapajós River Basin, and Porto Velho and the dams of the Madeira river.
Pan-Amazonia according to Brazil
Works negotiated by the BNDES in the South American Amazon include hydro with cracks, leaky pipeline and a road that shook the presidency of Bolivia.
BNDES, for export
In the name of globalization, BNDES financing of Brazilian contractors abroad grew 1185% in 10 years.
Naval cluster threatens riverine communities in the Amazon
Nineteen riverine communities of rural Manaus fear being displaced.
Arrested and threatened with death, witness still fears for life
Késia, 32, testified in defense of a leadership, wrongly accused of a crime, has been arrested and threatened with death.
This is Maria Raimunda, leader in Pará, threatened with death
Unafraid to take the lead of the Landless Movement in a state where they are killed by farmers, Maria Raimunda goes ahead.
“You know that if we lose the land, you’ll lose life”
The farmer’s wife phrase summarizes a series of threats suffered by Nadia Pinho da Silva, rural leadership in Santana do Araguaia, Pará State.
Cleude, scared, tries to catch the hand of God
The leader began to fight for land at age 10; at 22, she heard from a gunman that she could only get land underneath her.
Graciete carries in the meat the bullet of the murderers of his father
The daughter of Francisco Macedo was shot when confused with his father, who coordinated the occupation of an abandoned farm.
Nicinha and rural union headed only by women
In Rondon do Pará, many workers were killed, than no man wants to be leader. All leadership is composed of women.