Woman president of rural syndicate lives escorted by two companions and can not live with the grandchildren for not to expose them to risk.
Agência Pública
Uma investigação sobre como os grandes empreendimentos estão mudando a cara da região amazônica e a vida de seus habitantes. As equipes de reportagem da Agência Pública de Jornalismo Investigativo foram a três regiões da Amazônia para entender a nova onda de desenvolvimentismo. Entre os meses de julho e outubro de 2012, eles percorreram o polo de mineração em Marabá (PA); a bacia do Rio Tapajós; e Porto Velho e as hidrelétricas do rio Madeira.Una investigación sobre cómo las grandes empresas están cambiando la cara de la región amazónica y la vida de sus habitantes. Los equipos de la Agencia Pública de Periodismo de Investigación fueron a tres regiones de la Amazonía para entender la nueva ola del desarrollismo. Entre los meses de julio y octubre de 2012, ellos recorrieron el polo minero en Marabá (PA), la cuenca del río Tapajós, Porto Velho y las presas del río Madeira.An investigation on how large enterprises are changing the face of the Amazon region and the lives of its inhabitants. The news team of the Public Agency (Agência Pública) for Investigative Journalism went to three regions of the Amazon to understand the new wave of developmentalism. Between the months of July and October 2012, they traveled the mining pole in Maraba (PA), the Tapajós River Basin, and Porto Velho and the dams of the Madeira river.
They, marked to Die
A Pública and Diario de Pará bring the stories of ten women whose lives are threatened by fighting for their rights and for the preservation of the forest.
Laísa struggle for land and the memory of sister
Sister of Maria, murdered with Zé Cláudio, says that the judgment of the accused was worse than murder.
Maria Joel da Costa inherited the struggle and death threats
Widow, she became president of the union and went on to denounce the slave labor on farms in Rondon do Pará.
Maria do Carmo fight for their community and the forest
Threatened with death, three years ago Maria works to ensure the survival of their community in harmony with the preservation of the Amazon rainforest.
Architecture of destruction
The government plans to build at least two power plants until the end of the decade in Tapajós, in a place full of biodiversity and beauty.
Development Discord
In communities that will be affected by the dams in the Tapajós River, between anxiety and craving, misinformation prevails, while advancing the work plans.
Juriti Pact
The negotiation between the Alcoa multinational and western riparians of state of Pará generated an unprecedented agreement by “loss and damage”, but there are still doubts about the viability of the model.
The river of gold and soy
Beyond discussions on hydropower, the Tapajós river lives on mining issues – legal or illegal – and the expansion of agribusiness.
Video: Tapajós in trance
This video presents the second report in the series Public Amazonia on the hydroelectric project in the Tapajós River.