The Director of Mines would have favored the Chinese company who presented a miner petitionary fully overlapped with the buffer zone of the El Sira Communal Reserve.
Monthly Archives: May 2013
Judges will receive training on environmental crime and illegal mining
The Judiciary will held the course to strengthen the capacities of judges of the Judicial Power regarding environmental crimes.
Photographic exhibition and documentary premiere about indigenous adaptation to climate change
Photographer crossed four countries recording experiences of communities able to adapt to climate change because of its experience accumulated since ancient times.
Biologist warned about increased of illegal mining near to conservation area Panguana
The specialist said there is miner petitionary that affects Panguana territory, despite the fact that it is part of the buffer zone of the El Sira Communal Reserve.
Five reasons for not having a landfill in the province of Maynas (Loreto)
Close to the Allpahuayo Mishana Reserve, the municipality of Iquitos uses an area to dispose solid waste without any treatment, affecting the environment.
Deforestation of the Amazon will reduce harvest
The advancement of agriculture at the expense of the forest will alter regional climate change affecting soybean crops and pastures.
((o))eco facilitates distribution interactive maps of the Amazon
InfoAmazonia project, interactive maps tool, has just launched a new feature that aims to facilitate the distribution of maps and news about the largest rainforest in the world.
Fast expansion of palm plantations in Peru creates new environmental tension
The growth of this crop used for oil production concerns environmentalists who fear further deforestation and more road construction.
Indigenous camped in Belo Monte present letter claims
Hundreds of indigenous of six ethnic groups occupied 5 days ago Belo Monte
Oil boom threatens Amazon tribesmen
The Waorani tribe is prepared to fight to the death to defend their territory against oil exploration.