Ten percent of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon between August 2012 and July 2014 occurred in protected areas, reports new research from Imazon.
Tag: protected areas
Bolivia: Concern for decree opening protected areas to oil drilling
The Guardian lamented that the Bolivian government approved a supreme decree allowing oil exploration in protected areas of the country. Activists of nature alert that the law “sentence” the environment in Bolivia
Protected areas more deforested are neighboring major project in the Amazon
In a new study, Imazon researchers reveal the 50 protected areas in the Brazilian Amazon with the highest deforestation between 2012 and 2014.
Half of Brazilian senators against Amendment to Constitution by indigenous lands
Proposed Amendment to the Constitution tries to transfer powers to the National Congress for the demarcation of indigenous lands and the creation of protected areas
Five reasons to create the Sierra del Divisor National Park
The categorization presents Peru as a country that respects its international commitments, not only to conserve biodiversity, but also to combat illegal activities such as drug trafficking and illegal logging.
Researcher uses drones to study the planet’s most biodiverse rainforest
Tiputini Biodiversity Station uses drones to study and monitor biodiversity in the Yasuni Biosphere Reserve.
Colombia: Cosigo, the beginning of mining in the Amazon
Mining rights for Canadian company Cosigo Resources on Vaupes have generated a series of local conflicts by being in areas where small miners worked, and another within the Yaigojé-Apaporis National Park.
Research shows importance of protected areas to preserve the water cycle
Research shows that protected areas help to stabilize the flow of the river and that climate change reduced rainfall.
Calha Norte: 2 million hectares of forest and a new economy on the horizon
The region has 23 protected areas and 2 million hectares of forest. Projects seek to promote the sustainable development of the area.
Nine countries in Latin America to protect the Amazon of climate change
Nine countries in the Amazon region came together to to face the effects of climate change through the “Regional Project to support the Amazon Vision 2018”.