Digital Democracy has partnered with the ClearWater Project to create a cutting edge interactive map that tells the story of indigenous communities of the Ecuadorean Amazon. Following years of oil contamination, local leaders have banded together to build rainwater catchment systems as a source of clean drinking water. The map brings together photographs, stories and […]
Submitted news
This is the layer of news links submitted by the public and journalists who are concerned with mapping the main issues of the Amazon rainforest. See the link bellow to also send us weblinks.Esta é a camada de notícias enviadas pelos leitores e jornalistas que colaboram com o mapeamento dos principais temas da floresta amazônica. Use o link abaixo para enviar matérias.Esta es la capa de noticias enviadas por lectores y periodistas que colaboran con el mapeo de los principales temas del bosque amazónico. Use el link de abajo para enviar noticias.
WWF: Bolivia and Acre exchange knowledge on combating deforestation
This is the second technical exchange event with the Bolivians in the state of Acre. As a next step, the Bolivian government invited the Acre government to discuss the possible implementation of joint climate change mitigation and adaptation activities, which also involve curbing deforestation.
SERVINDI: Repsol sells oil shares of project in “isolated” indigenous territories
A Peruvian subsidiary of the oil company Repsol is selling 50% of Lot 39 to the Perenco company.
SERVINDI: UN Rapporteur calls for consultation for oil activities in Block 88
NGO considered vital that the Peruvian State meets the recommendations of the UN Special Rapporteur James Anaya to protect indigenous peoples in isolation and initial contact.
El Día: The Noel Kempff Park in Bolivia under three threats
Livestock and agricultural activity in neighboring Brazil, illegal fishing and fires threaten the protected area.
Portal do Meio Ambiente: Hydroelectric dams underestimated hydrography and climate change
Reports and documents produced by Brazilian and Bolivian experts, warned of the impacts that both hydroelectric power would produce.
BBC: Unpublished map puts Brazil in 3rd place in environmental conflicts
Autonomous University of Barcelona mapped environmental conflicts around the world. Brazilian miner company Vale ranks fifth in the ranking of companies engaged in these issues.
Terra-i Ciat: Terra-i goes to the Peruvian Amazon to catch deforestation in the act
Terra-i published a video of its first field validation of its data on vegetation cover changes for the years 2011- 2012 in Pucallpa, Ucayali, in Peru. This validación was realizada between September and October of 2013.
Terra: In Brazil, the Trans-amazon highway was blocked in protest again the Belo Monte dam
One hundred fishermen affected by the construction of the hydroelectric Belo Monte in the heart of the Brazilian Amazon blocked a stretch of the Trans-Amazon highway on Tuesday.
G1: NASA concludes that the Amazon absorbs more carbon dioxide than it emits
Research shows that forest helps to combat global warming. While living trees absorb CO2, dead trees emit this gas.