When the corruption narrative wins out over human rights violations, the contradictions in this historic moment in Brazil are reported.
Submitted news
This is the layer of news links submitted by the public and journalists who are concerned with mapping the main issues of the Amazon rainforest. See the link bellow to also send us weblinks.Esta é a camada de notícias enviadas pelos leitores e jornalistas que colaboram com o mapeamento dos principais temas da floresta amazônica. Use o link abaixo para enviar matérias.Esta es la capa de noticias enviadas por lectores y periodistas que colaboran con el mapeo de los principales temas del bosque amazónico. Use el link de abajo para enviar noticias.
Amazon indians at risk in mercury poisoning crisis
Illegal gold mining in the Amazon has a devastating effect on indigenous peoples. Miners bring disease, deforestation and murder. Then long after they have gone, communities are left to suffer deadly mercury poisoning.
GreenBiz: 3 ways the market could end Amazon deforestation
Tropical deforestation and degradation account for as much as 19 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions today. But powerful market-based strategies for tackling such emissions are emerging.
Petroamazonas has drilled the first well to extract oil from ITT
The Ecuadorian Petroamazonas attempts to exploit crude from Ishpingo-Tambococha and Tiputini (ITT) fields or block 43, some of them located in the intangible area of Yasuni park.
Supermarket is stepping up to stop Amazon destruction for beef
One major Brazilian supermarket chain has just committed to stop selling beef linked to Amazon destruction and human rights violations – because Brazilians demanded it.
4.5 million trees will be planted in the Colombian Amazon
The intention is to plant 72,000 trees every month in the Amazon, chosen by indigenous communities, but providing food security.
Wall Street International: Who cares about those that defend us?
The difficult situation of environmental and social activists in Latin America and Colombia
Fairy colors: In the Madidi Park 1,080 species of butterflies were identified
The results show that varieties of this insect in the reserve are three times higher than what was assumed (the catalog grew from 355 to 1080).
Why more than 200 new dams will be a disaster for the Amazon
Continued dam-building across Amazonia could threaten dozens of species with extinction, says a new paper published this month in the journal Biodiversity and Conservation.
Palm oil and deforestation in the Andean Amazon. The San Martin, Peru case
According to monitoring reports of the Andean Amazon, the Palmas group, which belongs to the Romero Group, has deforested 6,974 hectares between 2006 and 2011 in the San Martin region of Peru.