Attempting to better understand Brazil’s controversial new forest code and its future results in wildly different interpretations.
Submitted news
This is the layer of news links submitted by the public and journalists who are concerned with mapping the main issues of the Amazon rainforest. See the link bellow to also send us weblinks.Esta é a camada de notícias enviadas pelos leitores e jornalistas que colaboram com o mapeamento dos principais temas da floresta amazônica. Use o link abaixo para enviar matérias.Esta es la capa de noticias enviadas por lectores y periodistas que colaboran con el mapeo de los principales temas del bosque amazónico. Use el link de abajo para enviar noticias. Illegal miners in Peru plagued by fear of repression
Peru’s government declared all informal mining illegal and began a crackdown. It raided the older boom town of Huepetuhe, dynamiting backhoes, trucks and generators. In La Pampa, miners fear they are next.
Ciencia Guayana: Indigenous organizations denounce mining in rivers
Indigenous denounce illegal mining in municipality of Atabapo, Colombia, affecting their constitutional rights over the territory and the environment.
A Crítica: Threatened Amazon animal may become extinct in decades
Deforestation, real estate pressure and uncontrolled growth of Manaus have reduced the population of the primate that is endemic to the Amazon capital.
D24am: Study says that environmental impact will create unpublished climates
Global warming will have serious consequences, especially in the tropics, where the variations of temperature and humidity will lead to unpublished climates so far.
R7: Researchers track isolated tribes in the Amazon with Google Earth
Researchers analyzed satellite imagery of a certain Amazon village located on the border between Brazil and Peru. The team calculated that the population is less than 40 inhabitants.
Perú.com: This is how life is in the illegal mining zones of Madre de Dios
Dredging, machinery, forest deforestation and the proliferation of brothels is what we can find in the areas of illegal mining.
InfoRegión: 10% of the world’s bird species are in Madre de Dios region
Madre de Dios also has over 500 species of birds, over 1000 species of butterflies and 151 species of dragonflies.
Mi Putumayo: Commercial fishing of consumption in middle Putumayo
Over the past three decades have been marketed through the ports of Asís and Leguízamo 4,250 tonnes of fish, for the latter town, during the period 1985-2010, have mobilized 3,409 tons.
Sol de Pando: French consortium of Jirau destroys indigenous territories
Jirau dam threatens to destroy vast areas of land, of which many indigenous peoples depend for their survival, including several groups of uncontacted indigenous.