Public narrative is a leadership tool and is placed at the service of mobilization, covers how we communicate our values through stories.
Submitted news
This is the layer of news links submitted by the public and journalists who are concerned with mapping the main issues of the Amazon rainforest. See the link bellow to also send us weblinks.Esta é a camada de notícias enviadas pelos leitores e jornalistas que colaboram com o mapeamento dos principais temas da floresta amazônica. Use o link abaixo para enviar matérias.Esta es la capa de noticias enviadas por lectores y periodistas que colaboran con el mapeo de los principales temas del bosque amazónico. Use el link de abajo para enviar noticias.
El Universal: Inírida Star river, protected and free mining area
Colombia’s president signed a decree to declare the area as a protected area, and preventing it from being affected by activities such as artisanal mining.
Panamericana: Black robe in Iquitos: Petroperú spill and unusual action
In the last week of June, two oil spills of Petroperu company occurred near the town of Cuninico in the heart of the rainforest of Loreto. According OEFA, the spill covers four and a half kilometers of a creek, affecting a population of over 500 people.
Bloomberg View: It takes a rancher to save a rainforest
This tropical turnaround tale is about smart policy and science allied with resourceful ranchers trying to make ends meet on one of the planet’s most hostile landscapes. To cut carbon emissions, give communities rights to forest land
Communities are far more likely to stop trees being cut down than governments or business, found research issued by the World Resources Institute (WRI).
New Stanford Model Can Reveal Globalization’s Effects On The Amazon
Stanford has unveiled new software that will be able to understand how outside influences can affect the sustainability of Indigenous people in the Amazon.
Erbol: In Bolivia Amazon development law project was approved
Project considers the development of Amazon as an integral and sustainable element; through a participatory, shared and equitable administration for the benefit of the Amazonian population and the country.
El Deber: The new dwarf tapir can be a Bolivian “flagship species”
The new species called Tapirus kabomani, the dwarf tapir, is known in Bolivia as ‘black tapir’, ‘small tapir’ or ‘tapir donkey legs’.
Pulitzer Center: Like Butterflies in the Jungle: The Quest for the New El Dorado
In French Guiana, some 15,000 wildcat miners armed with diesel engines, hydraulic equipment, guns, and not a small supply of sugarcane liquor were hacking into the European Union’s sole rain forest.
Renewable Energy Magazine: Brazilian court rejects call to shut down Belo Monte dam
The federal court rejected the prosecutor’s request to suspend construction, and did the same for a request for compensation to indigenous from Volta Grande do Xingu.