Atmospheric carbon dioxide records indicate that the land surface has acted as a strong global carbon sink over recent decades, with a substantial fraction of this sink probably located in the tropics, particularly in the Amazon.
Submitted news
This is the layer of news links submitted by the public and journalists who are concerned with mapping the main issues of the Amazon rainforest. See the link bellow to also send us weblinks.Esta é a camada de notícias enviadas pelos leitores e jornalistas que colaboram com o mapeamento dos principais temas da floresta amazônica. Use o link abaixo para enviar matérias.Esta es la capa de noticias enviadas por lectores y periodistas que colaboran con el mapeo de los principales temas del bosque amazónico. Use el link de abajo para enviar noticias.
Techgoondu: Google Street View extended to the Amazon rainforest
Google is bringing the wonders of the Amazon to a larger audience with a new set of Street View images of the world’s largest tropical rainforest.
Peru21: ‘We demand that Pluspetrol remedy its environmental liabilities’, says Peruvian president
President Ollanta Humala demanded the Argentinian Pluspetrol solve environmental conflicts it has with native on a lot that was handed in concession in the Peruvian Amazon.
The Guardian: Palm oil firms in Peru plan to clear 23,000 hectares of primary forest
The companies involved in Maniti and Santa Cecilia plantations, Islandia Energy and Palmas del Amazonas, are both receiving “technical and financial support” from Palmas del Espino, the leader in Peru’s oil palm industry and part of the country’s powerful Romero Group.
G1: Project trains riparian to monitor water quality in Brazilian Amazon
Project called InfoAmazonia is training residents of riverside communities to monitor water quality in the region.
Two years after remove invaders and great challenges for Indigenous Marãiwatsédé
After remove invaders of Indigenous Marãiwatsédé, it’s time to learn to live peacefully with different socioeconomic models.
El Deber: More water comes to Cobija, en Bolivia, and there are 3,200 affected
It is expected that in the next 72 hours down the flow of the river Acre, that on Monday reached 14 meters, beating the flood recorded in 2012.
With flooding, families are forced to leave home in Acre, Brazil
In Assis Brasil, border with Peru, the Acre River overflowed. Within 24 hours, the rain volume exceeded the expected for the entire month of February.
BBC: Brazil Amazon: Drone to scan for ancient Amazon
Scientists are to scan the Amazon forest in Brazil to look for evidence of occupation by ancient civilisations. A drone will be sent up with a laser instrument to peer through the canopy for earthworks that were constructed thousands of years ago.
Continues the rain in Cobija and major flooding is feared
The governor of Pando said municipalities Bolpebra, Porvenir and Cobija are on red alert by the overflowing of the Acre River. There are 5 neighborhoods flooded in Cobija city.