The scientific discoveries of the past 20 years on the role of Amazon rainforest reveals that it is the mistreated heart of the continent.
O Eco
((o))eco is a network of journalists having no connection to political parties, companies or any interest group. It’s mission is to engage in stories that cover the environment and promote conservation. ((o))eco train’s and provides experience to young writers, photographers and camera men to cover environmental issues.((o))eco é feito pela Associação O Eco, organização brasileira que se preza por não ter fins lucrativos nem vinculação com partidos políticos, empresas ou qualquer tipo de grupo de interesse. O conteúdo do site é fruto do trabalho de uma rede de jornalistas e especialistas. Sua missão é:
– Dedicar-se à cobertura de pautas sobre o meio ambiente. Nossa razão de ser é a conservação da natureza
– Treinar e propiciar experiência a jovens escritores, fotógrafos e cinegrafistas vocacionados à cobertura ambiental, sejam eles jornalistas por formação ou não. ((o))eco é uma escola que espera impulsionar a carreira de profissionais brilhantes, motivados e espalhados por todos os cantos do Brasil.((o))eco es realizado por la Asociación O Eco, organización brasileña sin fines lucrativos ni vinculación con partidos políticos, empresas o cualquier otro grupo de interés. El contenido de la web es fruto del trabajo de una red de periodistas y especialistas, muchos voluntarios y otros que trabajan en tiempo parcial. La gracia de participar de ((o))eco no es financiera, y sí el de creer y beneficiarse de su misión de:
– Dedicarse a la cobertura de temas ambientales. Nuestra razón de ser es la conservación de la naturaleza.
– Entrenar y brindar experiencia a jóvenes escritores, fotógrafos y profesionales de la TV con vocación ambiental, periodistas por formación o no. ((o))eco es una escuela de espera impulsar la carrera de profesionales brillantes, motivados y distribuidos en todo Brasil.
Governors of Climate: Acre is celebrated as the best student
In preparatory meeting for COP 20, the state of Acre hosted the encounter of Task Force of Governors on Climate and Forests in a tone of celebration.
Green Task Forceof the Governors’ Climate and Forests meets in Acre State, Brazil
Annual meeting of the Task Force of the Governors’ Climate and Forests will discuss policies on developing low carbon.
Amazon deforestation speeds up in June, says Imazon
Forest loss reaches 843 km², an increase of 358% over the same period last year. Pará is the state with most deforestation.
Video: The Amazon in 3D, images like you have never seen
High definition footage of the forest are the strong in this production which opens on Thursday. Monkey protagonist enchants children.
The solitary photographer from the Amazon National Park
Former park vigilant, Gilberto Nascimento Silva alone accumulated pictures of more than 800 species, a study conducted without any support.
Fishing for piracatinga that threatens dolphins, will be suspended in Brazil
Use of dolphin baits for fishing is reported several years ago, but only now has become actions against the killing.
How Brazil lost 5.2 million hectares of Conservation Units
Study shows how changes in legislation reduce the protection of protected areas and became increasingly frequent in recent years.
Imazon: Deforestation plummets in February and March
Downward trend continues, but it is still early to know whether the decrease will be confirmed as there are clouds over the Amazon region.
Half of the environmentalists deaths in the world occurred in Brazil
Ranking held in 35 countries accounted for 908 murders between 2002 and 2013. In Brazil, 448 people were killed for defending the environment.