Proposal of Senator Flexa Ribeiro aims to encourage the production of biofuels. Bill goes to the House of Representatives.
O Eco
((o))eco is a network of journalists having no connection to political parties, companies or any interest group. It’s mission is to engage in stories that cover the environment and promote conservation. ((o))eco train’s and provides experience to young writers, photographers and camera men to cover environmental issues.((o))eco é feito pela Associação O Eco, organização brasileira que se preza por não ter fins lucrativos nem vinculação com partidos políticos, empresas ou qualquer tipo de grupo de interesse. O conteúdo do site é fruto do trabalho de uma rede de jornalistas e especialistas. Sua missão é:
– Dedicar-se à cobertura de pautas sobre o meio ambiente. Nossa razão de ser é a conservação da natureza
– Treinar e propiciar experiência a jovens escritores, fotógrafos e cinegrafistas vocacionados à cobertura ambiental, sejam eles jornalistas por formação ou não. ((o))eco é uma escola que espera impulsionar a carreira de profissionais brilhantes, motivados e espalhados por todos os cantos do Brasil.((o))eco es realizado por la Asociación O Eco, organización brasileña sin fines lucrativos ni vinculación con partidos políticos, empresas o cualquier otro grupo de interés. El contenido de la web es fruto del trabajo de una red de periodistas y especialistas, muchos voluntarios y otros que trabajan en tiempo parcial. La gracia de participar de ((o))eco no es financiera, y sí el de creer y beneficiarse de su misión de:
– Dedicarse a la cobertura de temas ambientales. Nuestra razón de ser es la conservación de la naturaleza.
– Entrenar y brindar experiencia a jóvenes escritores, fotógrafos y profesionales de la TV con vocación ambiental, periodistas por formación o no. ((o))eco es una escuela de espera impulsar la carrera de profesionales brillantes, motivados y distribuidos en todo Brasil.
Amazon Fund will finance monitoring forest out of Brazil
The Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) will receive U.S. $ 11 million of the Amazon Fund to monitor deforestation in the forest, through BNDES.
How to combat the recent increase in Amazon deforestation
Among August/12 and March/13 losses of forest increased 90%. To stop them, is necessary to seek solutions that go to the cause of the problem.
Multiplication of routes between Brazil and Peru is expensive and unnecessary
Avalanche of new initiatives of roads and railways to connect the two countries is expensive and destructive. It is necessary to rationalize projects.
((o))eco facilitates distribution interactive maps of the Amazon
InfoAmazonia project, interactive maps tool, has just launched a new feature that aims to facilitate the distribution of maps and news about the largest rainforest in the world.
Fast expansion of palm plantations in Peru creates new environmental tension
The growth of this crop used for oil production concerns environmentalists who fear further deforestation and more road construction.
Porto Velho is a city with more environmental embargoes in the country
With 1020 embargoes registered, most of them related to deforestation and environmental devastation, the city is the embargoes champion across the country.
Ecotourism generates wealth surrounding the Mamirauá Reserve
Each $ 0.5 invested in tourism generates more than $ 2 for the local economy. The municipalities around the reserve are also benefited.
The other “Belo” which is moving on the river Xingu
At 50 km from the Belo Monte hydroelectric Belo Sun the Canadian mining company also wants Xingu water for use in gold mining.
Amazon deforestation falls in March and April
Alerts deforestation in the Amazon have been 175 km ² in March and April. 40% less than the 292 km ² cleared during the same two months of 2012. Desmatamento de agosto de 2012 a Abril de 2013 na Amazônia Legal | Create infographics