Much of the preserved areas of the Amazon is within indigenous lands, where there are no good mechanisms to suppress environmental crimes.
O Eco
((o))eco is a network of journalists having no connection to political parties, companies or any interest group. It’s mission is to engage in stories that cover the environment and promote conservation. ((o))eco train’s and provides experience to young writers, photographers and camera men to cover environmental issues.((o))eco é feito pela Associação O Eco, organização brasileira que se preza por não ter fins lucrativos nem vinculação com partidos políticos, empresas ou qualquer tipo de grupo de interesse. O conteúdo do site é fruto do trabalho de uma rede de jornalistas e especialistas. Sua missão é:
– Dedicar-se à cobertura de pautas sobre o meio ambiente. Nossa razão de ser é a conservação da natureza
– Treinar e propiciar experiência a jovens escritores, fotógrafos e cinegrafistas vocacionados à cobertura ambiental, sejam eles jornalistas por formação ou não. ((o))eco é uma escola que espera impulsionar a carreira de profissionais brilhantes, motivados e espalhados por todos os cantos do Brasil.((o))eco es realizado por la Asociación O Eco, organización brasileña sin fines lucrativos ni vinculación con partidos políticos, empresas o cualquier otro grupo de interés. El contenido de la web es fruto del trabajo de una red de periodistas y especialistas, muchos voluntarios y otros que trabajan en tiempo parcial. La gracia de participar de ((o))eco no es financiera, y sí el de creer y beneficiarse de su misión de:
– Dedicarse a la cobertura de temas ambientales. Nuestra razón de ser es la conservación de la naturaleza.
– Entrenar y brindar experiencia a jóvenes escritores, fotógrafos y profesionales de la TV con vocación ambiental, periodistas por formación o no. ((o))eco es una escuela de espera impulsar la carrera de profesionales brillantes, motivados y distribuidos en todo Brasil.
Heads of ICMBio parks speak of environmental impacts
Parties responsible for Jamanxin National Park and the Tapajós Flona speak of the possible and the probable impacts of hydropowers.
A impeccable road that does not need asphalt
We return from Itaituba to Santarem by a quicker option, without holes or dust, unlike the combination Transamazonian/BR163.
Hydroelectrics of Tapajos: in map, numbers and graphs
((o))eco have reported the repercussions of five hydroelectric power plants to be built. See data from Itaituba, the base city for construction of the plants. Itaituba em números | Infographics
Jacareacanga: we received a ‘no’ from mundurukus
The journey from Itaituba yields two remarkable encounters with indigenous one of them with the Association Pusuru and another with Councilman Elinaldo Crixi.
Amazon deforestation remains high in June
Data of Imazon detected 184 km clearcut, an increase of 437% over the same period last year. Degradation also rose.
On the road: tasting the dirt floor of the Transamazonian
Between the BR 163 and BR 230, a lot of dust, broken car and stories. Stories of the road that borders the Amazon National Park.
Dark clouds over the Brazilian Amazon
Proposal to allow the cultivation of cane sugar, illegal mining and exploitation of rare earths are threats on the northern region of Brazil.
Guiding thread: summary of the conversations in Itaituba
After a series of interviews, the most frequent complaint is about the federal government’s intransigence undertaking works which affect everyone.
Brazil loses Bertha Becker, geographer of the Amazon
Geographer studied for more than 40 years the expansion of agriculture on the region. Died on Saturday, aged 82, a victim of lung cancer.