Experience with an electrical water pumping solar powered supplies 1,000 people and prevents diesel or long walks.
O Eco
((o))eco is a network of journalists having no connection to political parties, companies or any interest group. It’s mission is to engage in stories that cover the environment and promote conservation. ((o))eco train’s and provides experience to young writers, photographers and camera men to cover environmental issues.((o))eco é feito pela Associação O Eco, organização brasileira que se preza por não ter fins lucrativos nem vinculação com partidos políticos, empresas ou qualquer tipo de grupo de interesse. O conteúdo do site é fruto do trabalho de uma rede de jornalistas e especialistas. Sua missão é:
– Dedicar-se à cobertura de pautas sobre o meio ambiente. Nossa razão de ser é a conservação da natureza
– Treinar e propiciar experiência a jovens escritores, fotógrafos e cinegrafistas vocacionados à cobertura ambiental, sejam eles jornalistas por formação ou não. ((o))eco é uma escola que espera impulsionar a carreira de profissionais brilhantes, motivados e espalhados por todos os cantos do Brasil.((o))eco es realizado por la Asociación O Eco, organización brasileña sin fines lucrativos ni vinculación con partidos políticos, empresas o cualquier otro grupo de interés. El contenido de la web es fruto del trabajo de una red de periodistas y especialistas, muchos voluntarios y otros que trabajan en tiempo parcial. La gracia de participar de ((o))eco no es financiera, y sí el de creer y beneficiarse de su misión de:
– Dedicarse a la cobertura de temas ambientales. Nuestra razón de ser es la conservación de la naturaleza.
– Entrenar y brindar experiencia a jóvenes escritores, fotógrafos y profesionales de la TV con vocación ambiental, periodistas por formación o no. ((o))eco es una escuela de espera impulsar la carrera de profesionales brillantes, motivados y distribuidos en todo Brasil.
The light that brings the Sun after sunset (part 1)
Riverside communities in the Amazon without regular power supply are benefiting by solar energy experiment on a small scale.
Peru wants to expand oil range in indigenous territory
Expansion of the Camisea project to called Block 88 leads activists in the country to react and cause conflicts and waiver within the government itself.
Peru: the risks to Loreto
New book by Marc Dourojeanni reflects on the future and how to reduce the impact of development in this region still preserved.
The waste land in the Peruvian Amazon
In the region, each year only one of every 6 or 8 hectares deforested is used to produce, while the rest stay at rest.
Indigenous lands in Brazil seen from space
Meet some of the indigenous territories in Brazil and see interactive maps showing deforestation in these regions.
The sins of the farmers and the promises of the CAR
There are more Legal Reserve than the sum of Conservation Units and Indigenous Lands.
Most municipalities in the Amazon has MHDI low or medium
Survey shows that only 78 of the 772 municipalities in the Amazon have Human Development Index considered high.
Bem Querer hydroelectric: big lake, little energy
Proposed hydroelectric in Branco River, which crosses the State of Roraima, would produce 6% of the energy of Belo Monte, but would create wetland greater.
IBAMA: consortium does not meet conditioning of Belo Monte
According to report, only 4 of the 23 environmental requirements imposed by the agency were attended. Of these, none was infrastructure.