Photographer says in her essays, series and photo reports, stories an inconspicuous Amazon, its “Black Amazon.”
Amazônia Real
O é um site de jornalismo independente sediado em Manaus (AM) que tem a missão de dar visibilidade aos povos da Amazônia brasileira sem pressão e interferência de grupos políticos e econômicos, promovendo o acesso aos meios de comunicação e a liberdade de expressão através de reportagens, artigos, fotografias, vídeos e das redes sociais. Os temas principais são questão indígena, meio ambiente e polí es una web de periodismo independiente con sede en Manaos, Brasil, que tiene la misión de dar visibilidad a los pueblos de la Amazonia brasileña sin presión ni interferencia de grupos políticos y económicos, promoviendo el acceso a los medios de comunicación y libertad de expresión a través de reportajes, artículos, fotografías, videos y de redes sociales. Los temas principales son el ámbito indígena, medio ambiente y política.The is a independent journalism website based in Manaus, Brazil, whose mission is to give visibility to the people of the Brazilian Amazon without pressure or interference from political and economic groups, promoting access to the media and freedom of expression through reports, articles, photos, videos and social networks. The main themes are indigenous question, political and the environment.
Kakury, the entrepreneurial craft of Sateré-Mawé women
The Sateré-Mawé are indigenous people from the lower Amazon region and inventors of guarana culture, Amazonian fruit that was benefited by them, giving rise to the drink that is known worldwide.
Police located farmers and says that they were tortured by loggers
To find in the act of illegal logging, the farmers were beaten with rifle butts on the back and head and forced to undress.
Brazilian police investigate disappearance of four farmers supposed agrarian conflict
The disappeared people were working on opening a path in the woods within a settlement when they encountered loggers cutting down trees on public land.
Community leader was killed under omission of the State of Amazonas, Brazil
The leader of Portelinha community, Maria das Dores Salvador Priante, was kidnapped, tortured and murdered 20 days ago in Iranduba, as a result of agrarian conflict with the accused of ordering the crime.
Future oil exploration in the vicinity of 15 indigenous lands in the Brazilian state of Amazon
The National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels launched without prior consultation with the National Indigenous Foundation (FUNAI), a new pre-edict bidding for exploration and production of oil and gas in seven blocks.
Arapaima handled in the Brazilian Amazon guaranteed the minimum price
The proposal, subject to authorization of the National Monetary Council, will benefit fishermen of protected areas in the Brazilian tropical jungle.
Fieldwork to investigate the Madeira River hydroelectrics in Brazil is stopped
The experts, all renowned specialists, should analyze and collect data from the restudy of the environmental impact of dams in the region
After the flood, cities were unprepared to attend the disaster
Municipalities of the seven municipalities most affected by historic flooding did not have services to act in reducing the risk of natural disaster and carry out mitigation actions, responses and recovery of social and economic damage of the population in 2014.
The Aruka warrior and the survival of the Juma in the Amazon
Amazonia Real made a documentary about the life of the warrior Aruka and daughters. They commented the difficulties to survive in their traditional territory and the way they are raising their children, born of interethnic marriages with the Uru-eu-wau-wau Indians.