New hydroelectric plants in the Amazon will provide more energy for the southeast region of Brazil. Thus, power generation is expected to become one of the main economic activities of the region.
Amazônia Real
O é um site de jornalismo independente sediado em Manaus (AM) que tem a missão de dar visibilidade aos povos da Amazônia brasileira sem pressão e interferência de grupos políticos e econômicos, promovendo o acesso aos meios de comunicação e a liberdade de expressão através de reportagens, artigos, fotografias, vídeos e das redes sociais. Os temas principais são questão indígena, meio ambiente e polí es una web de periodismo independiente con sede en Manaos, Brasil, que tiene la misión de dar visibilidad a los pueblos de la Amazonia brasileña sin presión ni interferencia de grupos políticos y económicos, promoviendo el acceso a los medios de comunicación y libertad de expresión a través de reportajes, artículos, fotografías, videos y de redes sociales. Los temas principales son el ámbito indígena, medio ambiente y política.The is a independent journalism website based in Manaus, Brazil, whose mission is to give visibility to the people of the Brazilian Amazon without pressure or interference from political and economic groups, promoting access to the media and freedom of expression through reports, articles, photos, videos and social networks. The main themes are indigenous question, political and the environment.
Tukano students write masters thesis in language of their ethnicity
The decision by the Federal University of Amazonas, in Brazil, is a milestone in the university system for the country’s indigenous.
The “Dr. Brick” who changed the history of archeology in the Amazon
Carlos Augusto da Silva, who walked the path of the excavation of artifacts and ancient pieces, is now a doctorate in archeology from the Federal University of Amazonas.
Funai repudiates Matís for assault to doctor and surprises Amazon indigenous
According to Funai, a group of Matís indigenous threatened employees and assaulted a doctor of the Special Indigenous Secretariat for Health in the Brazilian Ministry of Health.
Indigenous fault logging company for scarcity of water in Amazon community
For the Indigenous Community of Anzol in the state of Roraima, Brazil, the drought they experience is not caused by the weather phenomenon El Niño, as scientists say.
The dams on the Madeira River: The risk to Porto Velho, Brazil
Porto Velho is at risk by the existence of the Jirau and Santo Antônio dams, Madeira upriver. If the first breaks down, the wall of water that would cascade down the river would immediately break the Santo Antonio dam as well.
Dams on the Madeira River like the sword of Damocles: Changes in floods
The Greek myth of Damocles can be used to represent the situation of Porto Velho city, in Brazil, located immediately below the Santo Antonio dam on the Madeira River. Porto Velho thus is under an ongoing risk.
License for power transmission line is suspended until indigenous consultation
The project’s license was granted by IBAMA after the president of Funai, João Pedro Gonçalves, approved it without consulting with indigenous people.
Diseases and village relocation may have caused shock among indigenous
The statement is from the geographer Carlos Lisboa Travassos, head of the Funai General Coordination of Isolated Indigenous. He reiterated that the territorial dispute began the conflict between the ethnic groups.
The carbon credits of Santo Antonio hydroelectric: the dam’s meaning
Discover the implications of the Santo Antonio dam in Rondonia, Brasil, in the case of carbon projects, according to Philip Fearnside.