The aim was to strengthen the knowledge of the people in their right to participate in the evaluation, approval and implementation of the project, that may will affect them.
Actualidad Ambiental
SPDA News Environmental journalism is a service of the Peruvian Society for Environmental Law (SPDA), which seeks to inform about the latest news related to the environment in Peru and the world, seeking to create awareness and action for the preservation of our planet.SPDA Actualidad Ambiental é um serviço da Sociedade Peruana de Direito Ambiental (SPDA), que visa informar sobre as últimas notícias relacionadas ao meio ambiente no Peru e no mundo, buscando criar a consciência e a ação para a preservação do nosso planeta.SPDA Actualidad Ambiental es un servicio periodístico de la Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental (SPDA) que busca informar sobre las últimas noticias relacionadas con el medio ambiente en el Perú y el mundo, buscando generar conciencia y acción para la preservación de nuestro planeta. En este portal también se podrán obtener gratis videos, fotografías en alta resolución y los últimos boletines e investigaciones de las principales instituciones científicas del mundo
Peru-Brazil Energy Agreement was archived by Peruvian Congress Committee
The agreement, signed by both countries in 2010, promoted the construction of several hydroelectric plants in Peru, especially in the Amazon.
Operation against illegal mining in buffer zone of Tambopata Reserve
Pollution of rivers, forest clearing and a desert landscape is what is observed in images of the operation against illegal mining in La Pampa, in the area known as “Mega 14”.
Fishing Management Program of paiche for Pacaya Samiria Reserve
The approval of the Fisheries Management Program of the Arapaima gigas species, also known regionally as the “paiche” brings benefits to the people who manage this resource in the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve.
Small and Artisanal Mining: Concrete solutions or just a dream?
It is worth asking if the ambitious goals of the Sanitation Strategy for Small Scale Mining and Artisan Mining goes hand in hand with clear objectives, timelines and resources.
Loreto: dump site continues to affect health of communities
Seven years ago was decided removal the the garbage dump that affect Allpahuayo Mishana National Reserve, because the solid waste directly pollute the creek that feeds the Nanay river. Until today continues in the same place.
Miners federation states that ban is “abuse of power”
In operation in Huepetuhe were destroyed 15 backhoes, 45 water engines and nine dredges. The equipment was valued at $ 20 million.
Research evidences bad practices in Amazon forest concessions
Study says timber forest concessions in Peru are enabling predation on species such as mahogany and cedar in the Amazon.
Loreto: The fourth liberation of Amazonian manatees rescued was performed
Yesterday the fourth liberation of four Amazonian manatees (Trichechus inunguis) was performed in Moena lake, located in the basin of the Yanuayacu river, a buffer zone of the Tamshiyacu-Tahuayo Community Regional Conservation Area.
Loreto: Round table to discuss how save the Amazon wetlands
The event was attended by representatives of different institutions in order to provide input in the development of the Regional Wetlands Strategy – Loreto.