Protected areas were able to control and prevent, to some extent, deforestation progress in recent decades in the Peruvian Amazon, said researcher of the Group of Analysis for Development, Manuel Glave Testino.
Actualidad Ambiental
SPDA News Environmental journalism is a service of the Peruvian Society for Environmental Law (SPDA), which seeks to inform about the latest news related to the environment in Peru and the world, seeking to create awareness and action for the preservation of our planet.SPDA Actualidad Ambiental é um serviço da Sociedade Peruana de Direito Ambiental (SPDA), que visa informar sobre as últimas notícias relacionadas ao meio ambiente no Peru e no mundo, buscando criar a consciência e a ação para a preservação do nosso planeta.SPDA Actualidad Ambiental es un servicio periodístico de la Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental (SPDA) que busca informar sobre las últimas noticias relacionadas con el medio ambiente en el Perú y el mundo, buscando generar conciencia y acción para la preservación de nuestro planeta. En este portal también se podrán obtener gratis videos, fotografías en alta resolución y los últimos boletines e investigaciones de las principales instituciones científicas del mundo
Petroperú denounced for hiring minors to clean the oil spill in Loreto
Panorama presented a report showing the impacts of this spill and also denounced Petroperú for hiring minors to clean up the remnants of oil in the affected area without proper protection.
Loreto: dump is affecting Peru’s Allpahuayo Mishana national reserve
The “Thirty” Landfill located at kilometer 30.5 of the road Iquitos – Nauta (Loreto) has operated for seven years at that spot, affecting the buffer zone of the Allpahuayo Mishana national reserve.
Loreto: After ten days the impact of the oil spill in Urarinas is still unknown
Although Petroperu reported that no river in the area was contaminated, communities say the Marañón basin is contaminated, because “they noticed (the spill) when the fish were already dropping dead.”
Residents of Cajamarca and Amazonas oppose the construction of hydroelectric Chadin II
Chadin II includes the construction of a dam 150 meters high, which would flood 32.5 kilometers of land and require an investment of 1650 thousand dollars.
Organization presents publication on illegal mining in six Amazonian countries
The Peruvian Society for Environmental Law (SPDA) presented the book “The reality of illegal mining in Amazonian countries”, with six studies on this type of mining that entails other problems that need attention.
Loreto: Illegal dump affects buffer zone of a National Reserve
Waste from hospitals, industrial areas and households come to this place that does not treat the waste, which affects the Nanay River, main regional provider of potable water.
Madre de Dios: Government claims to have eradicated illegal mining in La Pampa
After operation in Madre de Dios, the government says it has “fully recovered” the area of illegal mining.
The Ashaninka fight against Pakitzapango hydroelectric project
Meet the fight by the president of the Rio Ene Central Ashaninka, for the defense of cultural and territorial integrity of native communities in the basins of the Ene and Tambo rivers.
In the Environment Day know the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve
Celebrating the World Environment Day, see a documentary about the largest reserve in Peru, with over 2 million hectares.