Arrival of females from Germany is an important step to increase the population of birds and create conditions for reintroduction into the wild.
El Tiempo: Norway donates $ 50 million to support the Amazon
Norwegian representatives explained that the donation, held at the World Forum of the United Nations Program for Environment (UNEP), in Nairobi (Kenya), was because the protection of the Amazon is a priority for this country. So some of the money will fund projects that ensure sustainable biodiversity and cultural heritage of the region.
El Comercio: Manifestation in Paris against oil exploration in the Amazon
Around 20 people demonstrated on Tuesday in Paris to protest against the government of Ecuador for projects of oil exploitation in the Amazon, making a symbolic perforation in the street of a hotel.
El Colombiano: Government wants to create the largest protected area in the Amazon
The Ministry of Environment of Colombia is developing the last phase of the project to the expansion of the National Park of Chiribiquete, from an area of 1.2 million hectares to 2.8 million, to create the largest protected area in the Amazon.
D24AM: Over 6 thousand baby turtles are released into preservation area in Amazonas
In fifteen years of the project, about 120 thousand baby turtles were released. The goal for 2013 is to release 24,444 other babies in the Uatumã Sustainable Development Reserve.
Living on Earth: Damming the Amazon River
The Brazilian government is planning to build dozens of new hydroelectric dams in the Amazon river basin. It wants to develop the interior, and prevent power outages during the upcoming World Cup and the Olympics.
[:pt]Vanguardia: Proteção de zonas úmidas: O desafio é a estrela fluvial de Inírida
The protection of wetlands in the world, there is a requirement for life on the planet. One of the most impressive is in the Orinoco region, known as the Inírida river star.
Why is mercury used in gold mining?
The sinister glow of the mercury used in mining to facilitate the separation of gold, is a risk to plants, animals and human populations.
Climatic purgatory
Study contradicts apocalyptic predictions for the future of tropical forests and suggests they will resist more than previously thought.
Sernanp ensures that Pluspetrol asked to explore the Manu in 2011
The National Service of Protected Natural Areas of Peru denied the request for hydrocarbon exploration in 2011 in the Manu National Park by Pluspetrol, because park is a UNESCO World Heritage and that this category “expressly prohibits the use of natural resources”.