Near Altamira, the mining that was thriving today is decadent and uses precarious techniques risking men’s health and the environment.
Government does not release deforestation data 4 months ago
Disclosure of the data is monthly during the dry season and bimonthly during the rainy season, but the Ministry does not follow own stipulated timing.
House approves bill that honors the country’s biggest land grabber
Deputies baptized section of BR-277, in Paraná, with name businessman who has taken over an area of 5 million hectares in the Amazon.
Revisiting the Southern Interoceanic Road in the Peruvian Amazon
The most pessimistic forecasts about the environmental and social impacts of the Southern Interoceanic in Peru, have been overtaken by reality.
How Peruvians are winning Brazil in ecotourism
Simple infrastructure but cozy and comfortable, contrasts with the absence of options to visit protected areas in the Brazilian Amazon.
Mercury contamination from illegal gold mining in Peru’s Amazon mounting health threat
A study of mercury contamination in a southeastern Peruvian jungle area ravaged by illegal gold mining found unsafe levels of the toxic metal in 78% of adults in the regional capital and in 60% of fish sold at markets
NGO launches publication on mining in indigenous territories
Edition of Socioambiental Institute gathers data from various government agencies on mineral exploration interest in the Brazilian Amazon.
Prosecutor announces lawsuits against Belo Monte
Federal agency makes publicly available in its entirety lawsuits against the largest hydroelectric project in progress in the country.
Tucuruí power transmission lines receive operating license
Ibama gave the green light for the start of operation of the transmission line to bring power from Tucuruí to Amazonas state.
Study reinforces: protected areas protect really
Against the myths, researchers reveal positive role of Indigenous Lands and Integrals Conservation Units for conservation.