With its new Management Plan, full protection protected area of Roraima State, in Brazil, is ready to receive students and scientists.
Monthly Archives: September 2015
In an open letter, NGOs call for more ambition in the fight against deforestation
Civil society organizations operating in Brazil launched the letter “Zero Deforestation and the Future of Brazil”, which shows the enormous importance of achieving the goal of zero deforestation in the coming years.
Ichthyofauna of Madeira: books show the varieties of fishes of this river
Collection of books available in digital format is a source of information for researchers on local biodiversity
Being sustainable is (not) a game: educational games from Amazon
Environmental education and entertainment: this is the proposal of a set of five educational games produced by the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Institute.
National Geographic: ‘Extinct’ Toad Rediscovered in Ecuador
To biologists’ delight, the Azuay stubfoot toad, believed to be extinct after its last sighting in 2002, has just leapt back to life.
Scientists seek answers from above on the Amazon
Tower over 300 meters in height is built in the Amazon. It will be used in studies of the interaction between the forest and the atmosphere.
Community leader was killed under omission of the State of Amazonas, Brazil
The leader of Portelinha community, Maria das Dores Salvador Priante, was kidnapped, tortured and murdered 20 days ago in Iranduba, as a result of agrarian conflict with the accused of ordering the crime.
Middle Purus Indigenous will talk about land management in Brasilia
Representatives of Paumari people from River Tapauá, Jamamadi and Apurinã are in the Brazilian capital to talk about their experiences in territorial and environmental management.
Logging of primary forest for cocoa resumes in Tamshiyacu, Peru
United Cacao Company has deforested 2,126 hectares of primary forest between May 2013 and August 2014. New image reveals that the deforestation has restarted at 2015, with 150 hectares missed during recent months.
Indigenous from Madre de Dios, Peru, will have drones to monitor their territories
The indigenous community Harakmbut will have drones to implement the initiative of territorial surveillance and community environmental monitoring in its territory.