The forest that remains is receiving less rain, which in turn is making it less green which means the trees that are there are pulling in less carbon dioxide from the air around them.
Monthly Archives: October 2014
Manu National Park: hidden cameras recorded species in their natural environment
Thanks to the installation of 60 hidden cameras, the Red TEAM-Network managed to register more than 20,000 images of various terrestrial species in Manu National Park, which consolidates the place as the most biodiverse area of the world.
Ara: Colombia reveals its first Annual Rate of Deforestation
In its first annual report on deforestation, Colombia recorded a deforested area of 120.933 hectares of natural forest between January and December 2013. El 57% de la deforestación nacional se presentó en la región de la Amazonía, mientras que un 22% se reportó en la región andina. Respecto de la ocurrencia de minería ilegal presentan […]
Deforestation in Brazil increased in September, says Imazon
Increase of clearcutting was 290% compared to the same month in 2013 Even with enhanced surveillance, deforestation remains high in the region.
Guardian: Amazon deforestation picking up pace, satellite data reveals
The deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon has accelerated rapidly in the past two months, underscoring the shortcomings of the government’s environmental policies.
Sustainablily in the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve
The Pacaya Samiria National Reserve in Peru turned 42 years old, and has been protecting biodiversity and providing services to people who live within it. Actualidad Ambiental prepared this special on one of the most biodiverse areas in the Amazon.
Brazil creates rainforest reserve that’s larger than Delaware
The new Alto Maues federal reserve encompasses some 668,000 hectares. The area surrounding it has lost significant amounts of forest cover over the past decade.
Jornalistas latino-americanos são treinados em ciência e política para a COP 20
Na cidade de Lima, Peru, começou a oficina de treinamento “Jornalismo em torno à COP 20: ciência, política e jornalismo”, dirigido à jornalistas da Colômbia, Equador, Bolívia e Peru visando proporcionar a informação mais importante relacionada à cobertura jornalística sobre as negociações em mudanças climáticas que serão realizadas nesta cidade em dezembro deste ano. O […]
Jornalismo cidadão direto da Colômbia esquecida
O departamento de Caquetá, na Amazônia Colombiana, passa por enormes mudanças. Sua parte ocidental, região onde a floresta amazônica avança sobre as encostas das montanhas andinas, se tornou o principal foco de desmatamento da Colômbia na última década. De acordo com o sistema de alertas de desmatamento Terra-i, Caquetá é o local com a maior […]
Servindi: Judicial sentence ordersto consult Amazon Hydroway Project in Peru
Judge ordered the Ministry of Transport and Communications suspend Amazon Hydroway project to conduct a prior consultation with the native communities of the Maranon River.