The problem of the “Cruce Chucmar-La Unión-Berlín” is that it has no approved environmental management tool and has not been based on previous communication with the owners of the properties that would be affected.
Monthly Archives: August 2014
Sol de Pando: In Brazil will be the highest climatological observatory in the world
Brazil and Germany will build a weather station, the Amazon Tall Tower Observatory (Atto) which will measure 330 meters, 29 meters higher than the Eiffel Tower
Climatic and economic risks of the destruction of the Amazon forests
The scientific discoveries of the past 20 years on the role of Amazon rainforest reveals that it is the mistreated heart of the continent.
Portal do Meio Ambiente: Declaration calls for the recognition of Panamazon role
The Statement of Lima, result of Third Pan-Amazon Meeting, called the Peruvian government to assume an essential role in COP 20, to position the region as vital to achieving the goals and objectives of the Climate Convention.
The Economist: Tropical forests: A clearing in the trees
Typically, countries start in poverty with their land covered in trees. As they clear it for farms or fuel, they get richer—until alarm bells ring and they attempt to recover their losses.
The Washington Post: Peru fights gold fever with fire and military force
As many as 40,000 illegal miners — mostly poor, Quechua-speaking laborers from Peru’s Andean highlands — have invaded some of the most pristine and biologically rich sections of ancient forest in the Amazon basin.
La Región: Amazon research institute will use InfoAmazonia to disseminate studies
The director of the Bioinfo Program, of the Research Institute of the Peruvian Amazon (IIAP in Spanish), Luis Campos Baca, said the construction of networks like this will allow disseminate the knowledge generated by Amazonian institutions.
The Washington Post: The Yanomami: An isolated yet imperiled Amazon tribe
The Indian group has official protection, but its large reserve in Brazil is coveted by mining companies and large farming enterprises with political clout.
Minister of Environment of Peru wants Amazon in the COP 20
Minister Manuel Pulgar Vidal said he expects seal the deal around the mechanism for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, during the 20th UN Climate Change Conference, which takes place this year in Peru.
Survival calls on Peru to protect isolated indigenous in the Amazon
Indigenous denounces murders to their family probably by illegal loggers and drug traffickers.