To prevent further abuses, loss of school classes and blocked roads because of illegal mining, the Central Government authorized the intervention of the Armed Forces in Arequipa, Puno and Madre de Dios.
Monthly Archives: April 2014
UBA: New territorialities and conflicts in the Amazon: IIRSA
There are several socio-environmental impacts caused by the guidelines of the Integration of South American Regional Infrastructure in the Amazon region, mainly linked to the policies of Axis Development Peru-Brazil-Bolivia.
Washington Times: Brazil embraces drones to save the Amazon rain forest
Brazil has a new weapon in the fight to save the Amazon rain forest: drones.
Loreto: The fourth liberation of Amazonian manatees rescued was performed
Yesterday the fourth liberation of four Amazonian manatees (Trichechus inunguis) was performed in Moena lake, located in the basin of the Yanuayacu river, a buffer zone of the Tamshiyacu-Tahuayo Community Regional Conservation Area. Amazon rainforest survey could improve carbon offset schemes
Researchers from the Universities of Leeds and Edinburgh studying the Amazon Basin have revealed unprecedented detail of the size, age and species of trees across the region by comparing satellite maps with hundreds of field plots.
Dar Perú: Big hydroelectrics and the great flood of the Madeira River
Documentary with testimonies of people affected by hydroelectrics Santo Antonio and Jirau and Madeira river floods, amplified by dams.
Gestió China allocates 77% of its direct investment to the Amazon Region
From a total of $ 90.6 billion of global Chinese investment, approximately $ 70.17 billion, or 77% of China’s direct investment is concentrated in the Amazon Region.
Scielo: Environmental movements and management of natural resources
Research has verified the performance of the Confederation of Indigenous People of Bolivia (CIDOB) environmental movement, and its influence on social practices related to the conservation and sustainability of natural resources.
ScienceCodex: New electric fish genus and species discovered in Brazil’s Rio Negro
Scientists reports that they have discovered a new genus and species of electric knifefish in several tributaries of the Negro River in the Amazonas, State of Brazil.
Plataforma energética: Causes of mega-floods in the Bolivian Amazon
The floods in the Bolivian Amazon were the biggest since records took place. This happened despite the fact that this year the El Niño or La Niña phenomena, which are used to assign flood in this magnitude in the region, were not presented.