Researcher said the development of the Amazon has various barriers, primarily the lack of economic resources.
Monthly Archives: December 2012
Map: Deforestation on Marãiwatsédé
((o))eco through its platform InfoAmazonia interactive maps, produced a map that was the basis for the visualization of the evolution of deforestation in the protected territory.
Amazon Forest reveals utilities of the Amazon
Design Project launches e-book that brings unusual but useful objects, made by man in the Amazon jungle.
New forms of occupation can put an end to the Amazon
Study shows that does not exist a space of governance involving all pan-amazons actors. Unsustainable development would mean degradation, suppression and fragmentation of the Amazon.
EBC: Social and environmental impacts of hydroelectric dams in the Amazon are ignored, says study
The growing demand for energy and the lack of planning in public policies have ignored the social and environmental impacts of the installation of dams in the Amazon.
Madre de Dios: South American journalists participate in workshop on Amazonian development and climate change
The workshop aims to provide tools for analyzing the value of biodiversity in development planning.
Amazon governments: geopolitical decisions vs conservation
Geopolitical decisions are above any conservation initiative. The environment would be an underlying theme to the continent’s governments.
Coffee producers help in forest preservation in Peru
Conservation International in Peru pushes bill to reverse the destruction of the Protected Forest of Alto Mayo. Coffee is key in this story.
RepórterBrasil: Raiders begin to be removed from the Marãiwatsédé Indigenous Land
After 20 years, the Xavante people can recover their land, illegally occupied.
G1: Nine of ten hot spots in the Amazon are in Brazil, says study
Country leads list of indigenous territories with more fires in 10 years. Data were raised by organizations of South American countries.