Wetlands are ecosystems stabilizing climate, they facilitate appropriate measure rainfall and are support of life, in short, are valuable partners of human activities since its existence causes us stability and comfort.
Tag: wetlands
El Espectador: The Colombian government debt to wetlands
The Environment Minister undertook that 253,000 hectares known as the Inírida River Star would be shielded against mining and production activities that could threats supply water in the area.
Loreto: Round table to discuss how save the Amazon wetlands
The event was attended by representatives of different institutions in order to provide input in the development of the Regional Wetlands Strategy – Loreto.
iAgua: Wetlands in Madre de Dios have suffered impact of aluvial gold mining
Extractive activities-like alluvial gold mining and other activities that cause deforestation-generate a direct negative impact on the Peruvian Amazon.
Loreto: Importance of protect wetlands in the Peruvian Amazon is highlighted
Event showed the importance of international instruments for the protection of wetlands.
[:pt]Vanguardia: Proteção de zonas úmidas: O desafio é a estrela fluvial de Inírida
The protection of wetlands in the world, there is a requirement for life on the planet. One of the most impressive is in the Orinoco region, known as the Inírida river star.