To quantify the effect of deforestation on fish, Kirk Winemiller is working with a team of Texas A&M and Brazilian researchers. Once completed, the project will inform the work of government agencies and conservation groups in Brazil.
Tag: pesquisa
Phys: Extreme events helps scientists to study Amazon climate change
Extreme weather events are giving scientists an opportunity to make observations that will allow them to predict the impacts of climate change and deforestation on Amazon River wetlands.
Brief tree lives are linked to the Amazon biodiversity
According to a new study headed by Tim Baker and published in the journal Ecology Letters, short durations between tree generations strongly correlate to highly biodiverse clades.
Amazon trees super-diverse in chemicals substances
Climbing into the canopy of thousands of trees across 19 different forests in the region, researchers sampled chemical signatures from canopy leaves and were surprised by the levels of diversity uncovered.