The president said that the activities will affect less than 200 hectares of the nearly one million of the Yasuni National Park.
Tag: oil
PUINAMUDT: Residents of Cuninico after spill say the fishing is over
“The main source of income we had for the population and for our food, we have not it, that is fishing”, “everything has been done with this spill,” said a resident.
Amazon Watch Video: Keep the Oil in the Ground in the Amazon
The video and petition call for an end to Amazon oil drilling, stating “the science is clear: we have to keep two-thirds of fossil fuels in the ground to avoid catastrophic climate change”.
Daily Sabah: Ecuador – Amazon’s Lush Green turns Dark Black
What makes Lago Agrio different is the ongoing ecological disaster. Disease and death began to spread around the town and the surrounding village of Shushufundi after the petroleum wells were opened in 1962.
La Mula: UN worried about gas exploration and exploitation in indigenous reserve
The UN reiterated its concern to the Peruvian state about plan to expand the exploration and exploitation of natural gas in the Territorial Reserve Kugapakori, Nahua, Nanti and others.
Argenpress: Sucumbios, the land where the water is “worthless”
In 2010 studies were done to determine the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), in 23 water samples, 22 were positive.
InfoRegión: Four new oil blocks located in the Madre de Dios region to be auctioned
(Association for the Conservation of the Amazon Basin) ACCA presented a map of where the lots are located and shows that they are located over chestnut, shiringa and forestry areas.
El Diario: Indigenous presents demand to stop oil project in Peru
Wampis and Awajun authorities called for a process of consultation with communities before continuing oil exploration in Lot 166, made by Pacific Rubiales and Maurel Et Prom companies.
Cuninico, another PetroPerú oil spill in the Peruvian Amazon
Two oil spills from Norperuano pipeline of Petroperu generated water pollution and possible cases of children with stomach ailments.
Panamericana: Black robe in Iquitos: Petroperú spill and unusual action
In the last week of June, two oil spills of Petroperu company occurred near the town of Cuninico in the heart of the rainforest of Loreto. According OEFA, the spill covers four and a half kilometers of a creek, affecting a population of over 500 people.