The committee will be responsible for defense against social and environmental impacts in the basin and the region.
Tag: impacts
Gold Rush leaves trail of deforestation in South America
Study shows that rapid rise in international prices encouraged race for metal in the Amazon and led to the destruction of forests.
RodrigoBaleia: The Amazon Rainforest – Development or collapse?
The photojournalist Rodrigo Baleia documented the destruction of the Amazon rainforest through 12 years of flights over the Amazon, in nearly 350,000 km traveled.
Intact Amazon forests show possible signs of global warming impact
Climate change may be taking a hidden toll on intact rainforests in the Amazon, finds a new study based on 35 years of observations.
The impacts of Madeira River dams: Flooding in Bolivia
The Madeira River has one of the largest sediment loads of rivers in the world, contributing about half of the total transported to the Atlantic via the Amazon River.
RoadFree: It is necessary just one road to destroy a forest
95% of forest loss occurs within 50 km of a road. Roads fragment natural habitats, degrade forest ecosystems, and put local communities and wildlife at risk.
D24am: Study says that environmental impact will create unpublished climates
Global warming will have serious consequences, especially in the tropics, where the variations of temperature and humidity will lead to unpublished climates so far.
UBA: New territorialities and conflicts in the Amazon: IIRSA
There are several socio-environmental impacts caused by the guidelines of the Integration of South American Regional Infrastructure in the Amazon region, mainly linked to the policies of Axis Development Peru-Brazil-Bolivia.
Portal do Meio Ambiente: Hydroelectric dams underestimated hydrography and climate change
Reports and documents produced by Brazilian and Bolivian experts, warned of the impacts that both hydroelectric power would produce.
Los Tiempos: Madera River dams included within 5 with severe impact on the environment
Hydroelectric plants on the Madeira River, between Bolivia and Brazil, are included in five Latin American experiences with involvement and consequences for the environment and human rights, says study.