Due to access to public information, it is known that Peru’s Evaluation and Environmental Control Agency (OEFA) requested a budget of 166 260 160 nuevos soles but, according to the draft budget approved by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), they were only allocated 130 260 160 nuevos soles.
Tag: Gobierno
Agência Pública: Mouths shut in Belo Monte- lack of dialogue and transparency
Lorraine Fleury notes that the Xingu Vivo group never agreed to discuss the plant’s construction. A different stance from that of the Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB), for example, which has a greater historical dialogue with the PT party and with the federal government.
Small and Artisanal Mining: Concrete solutions or just a dream?
It is worth asking if the ambitious goals of the Sanitation Strategy for Small Scale Mining and Artisan Mining goes hand in hand with clear objectives, timelines and resources.