The experts, all renowned specialists, should analyze and collect data from the restudy of the environmental impact of dams in the region
Tag: Flooding
After the flood, cities were unprepared to attend the disaster
Municipalities of the seven municipalities most affected by historic flooding did not have services to act in reducing the risk of natural disaster and carry out mitigation actions, responses and recovery of social and economic damage of the population in 2014.
Solimões River has record of fullness and organization alerts for help
The Geological Service of Brazil announced that the hydrological monitoring in the Solimões river basin has confirmed a record flood with flooding and serious economic damage to riverside communities in the Brazilian state of Amazon.
Vigilante Amazónico: Napo Committee decides on situation of the basin
The communities in the Napo River are suffering from floods and product of this, many families have had to move out of their communities. Yet there has been no government intervention on this situation.
Página Siete: The Amazon is very exploited and poorly studied
Brazilian expert believes in a hypothesis of a direct relationship between the flooding in the Bolivian Amazon with the operation of the dams of Jirau and San Antonio.
Dams on the Madeira River – Impacts: Considerations from an expert
The dams of Santo Antônio and Jirau, under construction on the Madeira River, will have significant impacts, including flooding in Bolivia, due to the formation of a higher backwater upstream of the reservoir Jirau.
The impacts of Madeira River dams: Flooding in Bolivia
The Madeira River has one of the largest sediment loads of rivers in the world, contributing about half of the total transported to the Atlantic via the Amazon River.
Black River flooding could reach 29.60 meters in Manaus
The Alert Flooding in Manaus, published by Geological Service Brazil, stipulates that the peak of the flooding of the Rio Negro will happen in the first fortnight of June.
Negro River flood has influence of waters of Madeira river
The flooding of the Negro River this year is being influenced by the waters of the Madeira River and can be among the five biggest floods in 112 years.
Erbol: Bolivian university calls for international arbitration over Brazilian dams
The rector of the University of Beni suggested international arbitration to define the level of impact of Brazilians dams Jirau and San Antonio in flooding in Bolivian Amazon.