Every year, families from several Amazonian cities are forced to leave their homes and leave everything behind because of floods of rivers that cross their cities and pass close to their homes.
The Floods Alert is a pilot platform currently available only in Portuguese that informs on the risks of flooding of rivers in the Amazon region. The issue is increasingly serious because of climatic extremes, which have been bringing floods and droughts increasingly severe to the Amazon basin with smaller and smaller intervals.
With up to 24 hours in advance, citizens can consult river level forecasts through the platform website or register to receive messages via Facebook Messenger or Telegram whenever there is any forecast of river level change. In Facebook Messenger, the interested person can search for the user @enchentes.infoamazonia. In Telegram, the user name is @AlertaEnchentesBot.
The platform also gives easy access to the historical levels of the rivers, allowing to construct varied correlations inside the platform. Interactive forecasting graphics and flood warnings can also be embedded on web pages, such as news stories, or downloaded as images.
All platform data are open and can be freely downloaded and reused.