Contrary to forecasts made in the 1990s, over 40 areas are guaranteeing the protection of the species without driving the pirarucu to extinction. In addition, sales of the fish provide income to fishermen, who now join a production chain that brings no harm to the Amazonian ecosystem.
Eduardo Geraque, jornalista e biólogo. Em 27 anos de carreira, procura conectar meio ambiente e ciência ao cotidiano das pessoas. Já cobriu Copa do Mundo, Olimpiada, grandes tragédias cotidianas e os dilemas ambientais do mundo contemporâneo, seja na Amazônia ou na Antártida. Passou pelas redações dos jornais Diário Popular, Gazeta Mercantil e Folha de S.Paulo. Desde agosto de 2018 colabora como editor e repórter em vários projetos jornalísticos. Além de comentarista esportivo e roteirista da série de podcasts sobre ciência “Posso Explicar”.
Lead by Bolsonaro, far-right wing influencer network uses YouTube to label MST a terrorist organization during elections
An exclusive survey from the project Mentira Tem Preço (Lies Have a Price) reveals how Bolsonaro-supporting influencers and the President used digital platforms to tie terrorism and violence to MST (Landless Workers Movement) if PT (Workers’ Party) returned to the presidency.
Exclusive: Survey says demarcating Indigenous lands doesn’t hurt agribusiness, as claimed by Bolsonaro
Jair Bolsonaro (PL) says that demarcating 500 Indigenous lands threatens agriculture. A survey done for the project Mentira Tem Preço (Lies Have a Price) shows that there are 240 demarcation processes in progress, and in most agriculture-producing states, Indigenous land doesn’t cover even 1% of the total land area.
Bolsonaro supporters on YouTube misinform when they say that Europe destroyed forests and is now punishing Brazilian agribusiness for deforestation
Discourse strengthened on YouTube when the EU passed a law banning imported products made in deforested areas. The new norm benefits Brazilian agribusiness that respects the law, but the radicalization can harm good farmers.
Bolsonaro’s Trick to Say He Takes Care of Small Farmers
During his electoral campaign, President Jair Bolsonaro (PL), a candidate for reelection, and his former ministers have highlighted the record number of land titles granted, but say nothing about those titles being provisional or how the government cut down Incra (National Institute for Colonization and Land Reform) funding dedicated to land reform and reduced rural credit by R$2.5 billion.
On YouTube, PL inflates numbers to make it look like Lula and Dilma burned a larger area of the Amazon than Bolsonaro
The party’s campaign video, seen by nearly 3 million people in one week, compares eight years of PT administration data to eight months of data from Bolsonaro’s administration.
Invisible enemies: smoke from burnings worsens Covid-19 in the Amazon
Smoke from burnings worsens Covid-19 in the Amazon